Are you absolutely, positively certain?
How do you make sure to shield yourself and your reputation from accidental buying of counterfeit components and materials?
Let's face the facts
Time has taught us at Blue Cromos that many of us are somewhat naïve when it comes to counterfeiting.
🔵 "It only affects luxury consumer goods"
🔵 "It doesn't happen here. Not to us"
🔵 We trust our so-called "reputable suppliers"
🔵 No industry is immune to counterfeiting
🔵 While it might be more common in certain countries and industries, but just like all business and supply chains, counterfeiting is a global issue. It's just another tentacle of international organized crime syndicates
🔵 Also reputable suppliers may be tricked or have less dependable employees or distributors
So, let's rephrase our original question:
How do you make sure that every item and component entering your supply chain is the real deal?
If you draw a blank on that question, you're welcome to reach out. We've got the tools and the know-how to get your sorted..
We're the ones cutting the edge
At Blue Cromos, we don't add fancy labels. We don't add "magic" ink. Nor do we add any transmitters of any kind. We do product authentication like nobody else, using our patented fingerprinting technology. We're cutting the edge of technology to make life easy for you.
Curious? Get in touch!
Do you want to learn more about how isAuthentic can help you fight the counterfeiters? Just get in touch here

Credits: Image from iStock Photo